The Benefits of Black Tea

The Benefits of Black Tea

Black tea, or chai, is one of the most commonly drunk beverages around the world. It’s no wonder when you consider all the health benefits that are gained from adding it to your diet.

Black tea is derived from the Camellia Sinensis plant. The extra oxidation of black tea compared to white and green teas, results in its darker colour and its stronger and longer lasting flavour. More oxidation also results in a greater caffeine content then its counterpart teas.

There are numerous health benefits ascribed to black tea. From helping with high cholesterol and high blood pressure to helping with asthma, digestive issues and tooth decay. The benefits are as follows:

Very Low on Calories, Fats and Sodium

A pure cup of black tea is approximately 2 calories! If you add a teaspoon of sugar then you add 16 calories, while a tablespoon of whole milk adds about 9 calories. With all of these together you get a great tasting, energy boosting (thanks to the caffeine), low calorie ( ~30), drink that can help you to lose weight. A low fat and sodium intake also helps to prevent a whole host of diseases and conditions.

Replacing other sugary sodas with tea will help you cut your calorie intake and lose fat in the long run. You can even drink tea if you are intermittent fasting and it will not break your fast due to its sub 50 calorie content.

For more information, see the USDA nutritional database.

Abundance of Antioxidants

Black tea is known to be full of antioxidants and chemicals called polyphenols. These help against free radical damage and aging, haring loss, brain damage and much, much, more.

An average cup of black teea contains 200mg of flavonoids. Amongst these are thearubigins and theaflavins which are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help to remove free radicals which are damaging to cells and can lead to a number of diseases as well as accelerated aging.

Block DNA Damage

Another major benefit comes from the polyphenols in tea. These are more commonly known as antioxidants, which have been linked to improved DNA and cell health. Antioxidants repair and stop damage caused by free radicals in the body, which promotes overall health. Genetic and cancerous diseases are less likely to develop.

Reduction of Cardiovascular Problems

Numerous studies have shown the efficacy of black teas as well as green teas to help with cardiovascular diseases. For example, this study, (link to vasodilation study), showed that an equal effect on vasodilation (the relaxation and opening of blood vessels) was observed by Assam varieties of green and black tea.

Relaxed blood vessels can result in a lower blood pressure as the blood can be transported more freely. This results in a reduced chance of cardiovascular heart disease in people. To ensure you receive these cardiovascular benefits, buy our Lovechai Green Tea and LoveChai Premium Assam Tea.

Additionally, black tea has been found to reduce bad cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol levels attribute to heart attacks and blocked arteries. Therefore, by consuming pure black tea, you will reduce your risk for heart disease.


Theophylline in black tea stimulates the respiratory system, the heart and the kidneys which all helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

Boost the Teeth and Oral Health

Black tea contains some fluoride (1.5mg in 2 cups of tea). Fluoride helps to eliminate plaque and bacteria from the mouth, supporting the teeth health. You’re at a lower risk of developing cavities and gum disease. This is due to polyphenols found in black tea which kill cavitiy causing bacteria, as well as hindering bacterial enzymes which form the plaque binding material on our teeth.

Do be careful with the amount that you drink, however. Unfortunately, black tea does stain white teeth.


Tannins in black tea have a healing effect on digestive problems. By sipping on pure black tea, diarrhea patients can have a reduction of symptoms and stress. Furthermore, black tea helps to relax the digestive system due to its anti-inflammatory effect.

Better Your Mental Health

Many people drink tea to help them unwind after a long day. This has now been proven as one of the benefits of black tea. Tea contains L-thanine, which is an amino acid that helps to promote relaxation and has a calming effect on the mind. There is a reduction in the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping to improve your overall health.

Stress is a silent killer, raising your blood pressure and preventing you from sleeping. If you can reduce the chances of suffering from it, you can increase your longevity.

Helps to Prevent Some Cancer

Though research it still being conducted in this field, some research has suggested that black tea antioxidants and catechins may help to prevent some cancers.

Black tea contains a compound called TF-2 which causes apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancerous cells. Other studies show show black tea is useful in oral cancers and was able to reduce the number of lesions and in patients.

Lower Risk of Diabetes

A study of elderly Mediterranean people found that those who had been consuming moderate amounts of tea (1-2 cups a day) had a 70% lower chance of developing type 2 diabetes.

A Stronger Immune System

Alkylamine antigen in tea helps to increase our immune system reponse. Black tea contains tannins, which have the ability to fight viruses and protect us from common viruses such as influenza.

Tannins are also therapeutic for gastric and intestinal illnesses.

Gives you an Energy Boost

The moderate level of caffeine in black tea helps to increase blood flow around your body, without over stimulating your heart. Caffeine also stimulates your metabolism, helping you to stay alert for longer.

Takes Care of your Skin

Black tea with its antioxidants, vitamins B2, C and E, potassium, magnesium and zinc is very beneficial for the skin:

  • Moist tea bags placed under your eyes helps to reduce puffiness in that area
  • Black tea extracts protect against the sun when topically applied
  • The process of skin regeneration is accelerated with tea
  • Black tea helps to flush out the skin resulting in glowing and blemish free skin

In conclusion, the benefits of black tea are numerous and immense. It’s a worthy beverage that you and I should be drinking every day. And you know what they say, there’s no time like the present!


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